Copy A File To Multiple Sources With tee

Ever wanted to copy a file to multiple sources in the command line all in one command? You can use the linux tee command. By definition, tee command can read from standard input and write to standard output and files. The linux command cp is great to make a straight forward and simple copy, but tee can write to several locations at once:

> ls

> mkdir dir-1 dir-2

> ls
dir-1    dir-2    file.txt

> tee dir-1/file.txt dir-2/file.txt < file.txt

> ls dir-1

> ls dir-2

In the above commands, we first make two directories, dir-1 and dir-2 which are going to be empty. We this use tee to copy file.txt into both of those directories. Just a note that tee also writes to the standard output as well, so to prevent that you can redirect standard output to /dev/null like so:

> tee dir-1/file.txt dir-2/file.txt < file.txt > /dev/null

Read more about it here in the man (manual) pages

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