Social Media Posts

CSS Transitions

Oct 27, 2019

CSS transitions allow you change a property value over a given duration.

Introduction To CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)

Oct 12, 2019

CORS or Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is a mechanism to make it possible to make requests from one website to another in the browser. The security policy, Same-Origin Policy (SOP) normally restricts this kind of behavior. If you’re writing an API for example, and want other websites to be able to access your API via browser side requests, you might want to define trusted origins that requests are allowed from or simply trust all origins. Check the link in the bio for more info!

Conditional Logic In Dockerfile

Oct 12, 2019

Sometimes when running a Dockerfile you need to run some conditional logic based upon an ARG variable.

Passing Arguments Using Spread

Oct 10, 2019

The spread syntax in javascript allows an iterable (array, strings, or object literals) to expand in places where zero or more arguments are expected. Why is this useful? Let's find out!

Typescript Useful Compilation Options

Oct 05, 2019

If you’re using typescript (tsc) to compile your typescript files, there are some handy compilation options that can give you more insight into how compilation happens or why certain files are compiled.